Singapore’s First Hawker Centre To Scan QR Code for Payment

After years of accepting only cash payments,hawker centres are now moving towards going cashless, with Tanjong Pagar Place Hawker Centre being the first to allow diners to pay by scanning QR codes from Sept 10, 2017.

The Tanjong Pagar Place Hawker and Cooked Food Association has teamed up with the e-Payment company set up by the Bank of Singapore to launch a QR code payment system at hawker centres, making it the first hawker centre here to fully adopt such electronic payments. About 50 vendors have put up their own QR code signs and payment terminals in front of their stalls, allowing customers to pay electronically by scanning QR codes through a mobile app. The hawker will be notified through the terminal immediately after the checkout.


The system currently only accepts payments from some banks, but is gradually being expanded to major banks. With the cooperation of electronic payment plan by the end of 2017, launch the QR code in 30 local hawker center payment system, and with more Banks and electronic payment company cooperation, support Singapore towards the vision of wisdom, also hope that the QR code payment system will eventually put in more than 6000 each year in the local hawker stalls of about 1 billion yuan cash transactions, Into cashless transactions.

In an interview, Mr David Ng, chief executive officer of the e-Payment Company, revealed that hawkers would not have to pay a fee for the first three years if they adopted the QR code payment system. After three years, he said, the company will offer the service to vendors at the lowest possible price.

“The advantage of the company’s QR code payment system is that all kinds of electronic wallets can be used. Hawkers can pay their bills through one platform every day, which is very convenient,” said Mr Ng. We also encourage other vendors who offer e-wallets to work with us toward our common goal.”

In shopping malls, consumers can also use mobile payment apps to generate QR codes on the mobile phone screen for payment, and merchants can use desktop barcode readers or handheld barcode scanners to collect and receive the payment. Using hardware devices to handle payments is faster and more secure.


Post time: May-08-2024